- Doctor at Home
- Nurse at Home
- Physiotherapy at Home
- Laboratory at Home
- IV Wellness & Health Support
- Check-Up at Home
- Ultrasound and X-ray at Home
- ECG at Home
- Holter Application at Home (for 24-48 hours)
- Foot Care
- Wound Care at Home
- Sleep Test at Home
- Nurse Accompaniment at Home (12/24 Hours)
- Wholistic Tailor-Made Health Monitoring
- Transportation and Accompaniment for Gazi Hospital
What is Check Up?
Checkup is evaluating health even if there is no obvious health problem. Early diagnosis can be possible in this way even if there no obvious sign.
Checkup! Where?
It is possible to take protective measures and to plan preventive strategies with checkup at home or at office.
What is Important in Checkup?
Crucial information about one’s health can be taken with the help of laboratory and / or radiological tests and examinations done according to the health status, genetics, gender, age, body size and health history of the individual.
Which Tests are Done in Checkup Procedure?
Some of the tests that can be done in checkup program can be listed like this:
- Vitamin – mineral levels by blood tests.
- Hemogram (whole blood count),
- Hemoglobin A1c (gives an idea about last 3 months’ blood glucose level),
- Sedimentation and CRP (pro-diagnosis of infections, rheumatic disorders etc),
- Occult blood in feces (the first alarm for carrying out further examinations for bowel disorders),
- Tests for the functions of liver,
- Thyroid function tests,
- Cardiological tests (ECG, echocardiography etc that can give an idea about the hearth functions),
- Gynecological tests (important for pro-diagnosis and follow up of some disorders),
- Urological tests: Renal enzymes, uric acid, free and total PSA, urine analysis.
After checkup?
All final results of tests are evaluated with our experienced team and an individual tailor-made health care strategy is developed. Also the follow up tests are planned.
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