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Here is a brief information about sleep: Scientific studies about sleep and sleep disturbances increased in last decades. All these scientific studies which aimed to understand the structure and function of sleep, diagnosis and treatment of sleep disturbances passed through several phases and taught us many modern strategies. Several approaches are being developed today.
Respiratory disturbances during sleep have a major place among the health problems related with sleep. Respiratory disturbances related with sleep can be classified as: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, central sleep apnea syndrome and sleep related hypoventilation. Most frequently seen one among those is obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Others are more rare.
Due to daily life problems (stress, sleep deprivation due to overworking), obesity, increase in alcohol consumption lead an increase in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Most frequently seen symptoms are snoring, noticeable apnea and increased day time sleepiness. Some other symptoms like difficulty in attention and concentration, energy loss, frequent urination at night, mouth dryness can be seen pointing obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. In this disease, a narrowing and obstruction occurs in this region due to the stenosis of the intraoral airway due to sagging of the soft palate, small tongue and tongue root, which we call the upper airway, or disorders in the jaw structure, which usually increase with weight gain. This causes very short periods of arousal between sleep due to the muscles in this area being more relaxed during sleep at night and the effect of gravity, which leads to breathing stops, decreases or increased resistance in the airway.
It is important to identify the sleeping disorders by nighttime sleep tests.
There are two ways for sleep tests:
1-In a sleep laboratory of a hospital
Brain waves during night sleep, the tension of chin muscles, respiratory parameters (the quality of inspiration – expiration, the existence of snoring, oxygen saturation etc), movement of leg and arm muscles and heart rate can be measured and observed during night sleep in hospital with polysomnography. Sleep measurements during day time can be done for more rarely seen conditions like narcolepsy.
2- Sleep tests at home
Second approach is the tests done at home. These tests can be done by recording / not recording brain waves and leg movements. We use “not recording brain waves and leg movements” approach and we use our special devices designed for breathing problems during sleep. With these devices, we only carry out studies on sleep-related respiratory disorders. Our device works with a software using artificial intelligence.
Our device contains a small data box, a chest band for attaching it to the body for receiving the movements of chest during breathing, a simple canula placed at nose and an oximeter attached to the finger.
We can identify snoring and its qualification, duration and qualification of apnea, drops in oxygen levels and heart rate changes with the sleeps tests at home. We create a report by evaluating all data and we recommend the solutions related with breathing problems during sleep.
In some patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, we use devices providing air flow with positive pressure (CPAP – continuous positive airway pressure) in order to provide airway opening during sleep if the number of abnormal breathing events (apnea, hypopnea and related awakenings) is above a certain limit (so called “index”) and if there are concomitant droppings of oxygen level. CPAP contains an air compressor, an oxygen mask and a rubber pipe. By identifying minimum and maximum pressures needed to keep open the airways and recording these values on CPAP, the device gives the air with positive pressure to the mask via pipe during sleep at day and night. So, the resistance of air way stopping or reducing breathing disappears and oxygen saturation increases. Before continuous application, CPAP titration is done at first night for the adaptation of patient, pressure adjustments and selection of proper mask as determined pressures are different for each patient. CPAP titration is done with demo devices. After titration patient buys individual device and mask, so treatment begins. New adjustments can be done, if necessary, with new generation smart card system or remote controls by evaluating the short- or long-term data by computer.
If you need Sleep – Breath Test contact us for detailed information.
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